- 'The Emotional States of (Some) Animals' (in draft): A discussion of how best to decide whether (non-human) animals share certain of our emotional states, illustrated with respect to anger and joy in scimitar-horned oryx .
- 'Linguistic Intuition: An Exercise in Linguistic Competence' (in draft): An account of the relation of linguistic intuitions to linguistic competence, which is intended to assuage recently bruited worries that intuition data might in principle not be of a sort that can provide evidence regarding linguistic competence. pdf
- 'How to Be a Dispositionalist about the Attitudes' (in draft): Argues that a plausible dispositionalism (or causal role functionalism) about the attitudes must rest on a measurement-theoretic account of propositional attitude predicates, on pain of otherwise not being able to explain (i) the relational character of propositional attitude predicates, (ii) how the that-clauses of such predicates manage to play the attitude individuating role that they do, and (iii) the apparent intentionality, semantic evaluability, and inferential involvement of propositional attitudes.